


4.林肯公园的歌《somewhere I belong》里说唱的是谁


有三首都是林肯公园的 不知道哪个是 你自己听听

反正都挺好听 就当推荐给你的


一 part of me

part of mepart of me won't go away.

every day reminded how much i hated it.

weighted against the consequences,

can't live without it so it's senseless.

want to cut it out of my soul

and just live with a gaping hole.

take control of my life

and wash out all the burned tastes.

i made the problems in the first place.

hang my head low 'cause its part of me.

you'll hardly see right next to the heart of me.

heard of me?

the moons soon scar.

new cuts cover where the old ones are

and now i'm sick of this.

i can't stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.

i'd rather not even be

than the man that's staring in the mirror through me.(pre-chorus)

cut myself free

willingly stop just what's killing me.(chorus)

i feel it everyday.

i feel i'm in my way.

i feel it swell up inside,

swell up inside.

swallowing me!(freedom can be frightening if you've never felt it)

once it's been dealt,

when you feel like you've been touched by something angelic

and then melted down into a pool of peace.

cease to be,

the animal you used to be.

removed the broken parts you know were wrong,

and feel the calm when the problems all gone,

and then you start to see

a little piece of yourself that you can't let be.

memories of the last fight to free yourself

take you to the depths at the bottom of the well

and now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heart

where your insides bruise.

you can live if you're willing to.

put a stop to just what's killing you.(repeat pre-chorus 4x)(chorus)alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.

alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.

this part of me won't go away,(alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams

desperately silently.)

a part of me won't go away.(alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams

desperately silently.)everywhere i look around i see how everything ought to be.

every time i see myself there's always something wrong with me.

everywhere i look around i see how everything ought to be.

and every time i see myself there's always something wrong with me

二 from the inside

i don't know who to trust your surprise

everyone feels so far away from me

hy thoughts sift through dust and the lies

trying not to break but i'm so tired of this deceit

every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet

all i ever think about is this

all the tiring time between

and how trying to put my trust

in you just takes so much out of me

take everything from the inside and throw it all away

cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you

tension is building inside steadily

everyone feels so far away from me

hy thoughts forcing their way out of me

trying not to break but i'm so tired of this deceit

every time i try to make myself get back up on my feet

all i ever think about is this

all the tiring time between

and how trying to put my trust

in you just takes so much out of me

take everything from the inside and throw it all away

cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you

i won't waste myself on you



waste myself on you



i'll take everything from the inside and throw it all away

cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you

everything from the inside and just throw it all away

cuz i swear for the last time i won't trust myself with you



三 somewhere i belong

when this began

i had nothing to say

and id get lost in the nothingness inside of me

i was confused

and i let it all out to find that im

not the only person with these things in mind

inside of me

but all the vacancy the words revealed

is the only real thing that ive got left to feel

nothing to lose

just stuck hollow and alone

and the fault is my own

and the fault is my own

i want to heal

i want to feel

what i thought was never real

i want to let go of the pain ive held so long

erase all the pain til its gone

i want to heal

i want to feel

like im close to something real

i want to find something ive wanted all along

somewhere i belong

and ive got nothing to say

i cant believe i didnt fall right down on my face

i was confused

looking everywhere only to find that its

not the way i had imagined it all in my mind

so what am i

what do i he but negativity

cause i cant justify the

way everyone is looking at me

nothing to lose

nothing to gain hollow and alone

and the fault is my own

the fault is my own

i will never know

myself until i do this on my own

and i will never feel

anything else until my wounds are healed

i will never be

anything til i break away from me

and i will break away

ill find myself today

i want to heal

i want to feel like im

somewhere i belong


3.Lee Out All The Rest linkin新专辑mtm中为数不多的极品,其实前奏没什么特别,倒是和in the end 一样,他第一句唱出声就给你苏醒在黎明的感觉,那时阳光未完全醒来,天空也未完全醒来,一切却完全沉浸在清澈冰冷的空气中,稀薄的阳光,冰蓝色透着青紫的天空上泛着美丽清冷光线的星星。他的吟唱,像让你在那时完全苏醒。

4.The Little Things Give You Away推荐它上来完全是因为它的高潮(或者结尾?)部分不错“Little things give you away...”cc的和声跟着节奏旋律感觉非常好,深远辽阔。他们没有那首歌能比的上这一首所达到的空旷感强烈而美丽了。

5.Valentine's Day该怎么说呢?其实和第4首一样,刚刚开始没什么特别的感觉,从“But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing ”开始就很悦耳了,特别是高潮,值得听听。

6.my december绝对赞啊~From the top to the bottom都很赞啊~自己去体会吧···不过得提醒你,这首歌好像一听腻就会觉得很难听,而且是万劫不复的境地,就是一旦有朝一日听腻不管搁置多久以后再听依旧如此。我和我的好几个同学才听一个月后现在已经···陷入万劫不复了,可能只是我们而已,linkin也只有这一首这样而已。我把第一感觉给你。其实真的是很赞啊。


7.Faint mv拍的很赞,歌也high的很赞。特别是旋律和节奏。而且mike的rap在这里相对linkin以往的歌开始高速起来。依旧是给人井井有条的充实感,舒服。

8.Forgotten high到极点!应该是他们最高速的rap!注意他们!是cc和mike一起rap,事实证明···cc的rap其实很有水准很高调的,而且好像比mike还强劲,更让人兴奋···我万能的cc啊~~~~~~

9.From The Inside,mv!mv!没见过这么帅的cc了!mike的衣服在这里穿的好帅啊···虽然他穿衣一向很有品!!!!!!歌嘛,当然不错。那几句“you”吼的应该会让你很爽吧。

10.papercut还是mv!没见过这么帅的mike和 Rob 了!歌的鼓点打的出彩。

11.Points Of Authority刮碟的那叫个精湛近完美啊~

12.runaway怎么说?刚刚听还真觉得不怎么样吧,很像一些恶俗的摇滚乐,推上来是因为“I gonna run away and never say goodbye Gonna run away, gonna run away”很酣畅淋漓。

13.One Step Closer 怎么形容?反正是它的mv先吸引我,cc和mike在前奏下蹲起身的动作很整齐很帅哦(最喜欢他们跳跃,背很腿挺得很直,很踩节奏,活力四射的样子)歌在此不多说,自己好好领悟,因为我找不到适合的形容词——只剩“好听”二字。

14.With you超赞!也没有形容词!ps,live版本和原版风格不同连歌词也稍有不同哦~都好听都听听,live般的dj简直到登峰造极了!

15.what I've done 听腻了就不行了,好像初听也不行,mtm还没推出时网上有what I've done30秒试听版大家都说不行太一般了,但是完整出来,特别是跟着mv一切全球首播时听了几遍那是众人好评啊,我是狂爱啊。

另外mike的fort支乐队的很多歌也不错,人家主唱也是linkin的主唱所以一并推出咯Believe Me,Petrified,Where'd You Go。




What I've done 变形金刚一主题曲

New divide 变形金刚二主题曲

Numb Linkin最经典的一首歌

Somewhere I belong


In th end


Breaking the habit

Lee out all the rest 这是Chester唱给已经离婚的妻子的歌

Pushing me away


In the end

It starts with one thing I don't know why

现在 有件事 我不明白 为什么

It doesn't even matter How hard you try


Keep that in mind


I designed this rhyme To explain in due time

写下这首歌曲 在适当的时间 作一下解释

All I know


Time is a valuable thing


Watch it fly by As the pendulum swings


Watch it count down To the end of the day


The clock ticks life away


It's so unreal Didn't look out below

如此的不真实 我没有料到以下的事

Watch the time go Right out the window


Trying to hold on,But didn't even know

我努力地想坚持 但却不知道

Wasted it all just To watch you go

我投入一切的结果 是看着你离我而去

I kept everything inside and


Even though I tried,It all fell apart

即使我努力过 也无济于事

What it meant to me will


Eventually be a Memory of a time when

最后都 成为了一段往事

I tried so hard And got so far

我那么努力 那么坚持

But in the end It doesn't even matter

可是结果却 无济于事

I had to fall To lose it all

我不得不失去 我的一切

But in the end It doesn't even matter

可是结果却 无济于事

One thing,I don't know why

有件事 我不明白 为什么

It doesn't even matter How hard you try,


Keep that in mind


I designed this rhyme,To remind myself how

写下这首歌曲 来提醒我自己

I tried so hard In spite of the way

You were mocking me


Acting like I was Part of your property


Remembering all the Times you fought with me

还记得那时 你一直和我吵架

I'm surprised it got so (far)

我很惊奇 那已经是很久的事

Things aren't the way They were before


You wouldn't even Recognise me anymore


Not that you Knew me back then


But it all comes Back to me (in the end)


You kept everything inside


And even though I tried,


It all fell apart


What it meant to me will Eventually be a

这一切对我来说 最后都

Memory of a time when


I've put my trust in you


Pushed as far as I can go


For all this


There's only one thing you should know



I'm tired of being what you want me to be我厌倦了整天去追求你所要求的那样

Feeling so faithless lost under the surface那种感觉是如此虚伪迷失了自己

Don't know what you're expecting of me不知道你在期望我什么呢

Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes就像穿着你的鞋我双腿沉重

(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚

Every step I take is another mistake to you我每走一步对你来说都是错误

(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚

I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你

I've become so tired so much more aware我已经意识到自己如此疲倦

I've becoming this all I want to do此刻所有我想要做的

Is be more like me and be less like you是把你抛开找回真的自我

Can't you see that you're smothering me难道你不知道你在窒息我吗

Holding too tightly afraid to lose control紧紧拥抱唯恐失去

Cause everything that you thought I would be因此你所预想的我的每一件事

Has fallen apart right in front of you在你面前破灭

(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚

Every step that I take is another mistake to you我每走一步对你来说都是错误

(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚

And every second I waste is more than I can take我已经承受不起时间的浪费

And I know我知道

I may end up failing too也许我终将失败

But I know但是我明白

You were just like me with someone disointed in you你只是喜欢我害怕有人让你失望

I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你

I've become so tired so much more aware我已经意识到自己如此疲倦

I've becoming this all I want to do此刻所有我想要做的

Is be more like me and be less like you是把你抛开找回真的自我

I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你

Is everything what you want me to be你所要求我的就是一切吗

I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你

Is everything what you want me to be 你所要求我的就是一切吗

where'd you go

Holly brook:

Where'd you go?

I miss you so,

Seems like it's been forever,

That you've been gone.






She said Some days I feel like shit,

Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,

I don't understand why you he to always be gone,

I get along but the trips always feel so long,

And, I find myself tryin stay by the phone,

'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,

But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,

But when I pick up I don't he much to say,

So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,

That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',

Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,

Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

她说 有些天我感觉糟糕

有些天我想放弃 只想过点正常的生活


我尽量配合 但是总觉得度日如年



我觉得自己个白痴 整天等着电话

可是当我拿起电话时 又无话可说

所以我想让你知道 这样有点糟糕

我在这里等待 有时候也在考虑



Holly brook:

I miss you so,

Seems like it's been forever,

That you've been gone.

Where'd you go?

I miss you so,

Seems like it's been forever,

That you've been gone,

Please come back home…










You know the place where you used to live,

Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,

Used to he a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile

But now, you only stop by every once in a while,

Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time with

Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,

I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,

You can call me if you find you he somethin' to say,

And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,

That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin'

Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,

Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"








如果你有什么想说的 可以给我打电话

我会告诉你 这样有点糟糕

就是 我在这里等待 有时候也在考虑



Holly brook


I want you to know it's a little fucked up,

That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',

Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses

For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,

It seems one thing has been true all along,

You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,

I guess I've had it with you and your career,

When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it


我在这里等待 不再去想

懒得坐在这里 懒得恨你 懒得接受

你不在的理由 我觉得自己很没用


直到失去的时候 才能够理解


当你回来时候 我不在这里 你也会唱着

Holly brook

my december

































































This Is My December

This Is My Time Of The Year

This Is My December

This s All So Clear

This Is My December

This Is My Snow Covered Home

This Is My December

This Is Me Alone

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To Make You Feel Like That

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To You

And I Give It All Away

Just To He Somewhere To Go To

Give It All Away

To He Someone To Come Home To

This Is My December

These Are My Snow Covered Dreams

This Is Me Pretending

This Is All I Need

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To Make You Feel Like That

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To You

And I Give It All Away

Just To He Somewhere To Go To

Give It All Away

To He Someone To Come Home To

This Is My December

This Is My Time Of The Year

This Is My December

This Is All So Clear

This Is My December

This Is My Time Of The Year

This Is My December

This s All So Clear

This Is My December

This Is My Snow Covered Home

This Is My December

This Is Me Alone

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To Make You Feel Like That

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To You

And I Give It All Away

Just To He Somewhere To Go To

Give It All Away

To He Someone To Come Home To

This Is My December

These Are My Snow Covered Dreams

This Is Me Pretending

This Is All I Need

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To Make You Feel Like That

And I Just Wish That I Didnt Feel Like There Was Something I Missed

And I Take Back All The Things I Said To You

And I Give It All Away

Just To He Somewhere To Go To

Give It All Away

To He Someone To Come Home To

This Is My December

This Is My Time Of The Year

This Is My December

This Is All So Clear

林肯公园的歌《somewhere I belong》里说唱的是谁

in the end





[00:19.60]One thing, I don′t know why

[00:21.40]It doesn′t even matter how hard you try,

[00:23.84]Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme

[00:25.42]To explain in due time-

[00:27.42]All I know

[00:29.57]Time is a valuable thing,

[00:30.50]Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings.

[00:33.16]Watch it count down to the end of the day,

[00:34.93]The clock ticks life away-

[00:36.52]It so unreal.

[00:37.89]Didn′t look out below,

[00:39.16]Watch the time go right out the window,

[00:41.74]Trying to hold on, but didn′t even know,

[00:44.30]Wasted it all just to-

[00:46.05]Watch you go.

[00:47.55]I kept every thing inside, and even though I tried, it all fell apart.

[00:51.08]What it meant to me will eventually, be a memory,of a time when-

[00:54.52]I tried so hard,

[00:56.41]And got so far,

[00:59.53]But in the end,

[01:01.24]It doesn′t even matter.

[01:03.57]I had to fall,

[01:05.66]To lose it all,

[01:08.46]But in the end,

[01:10.36]It doesn′t even matter.

[01:13.80]One thing, I don′t know why,

[01:15.24]It doesn′t even matter how hard you try.

[01:18.46]Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme,

[01:20.95]To remind myself how-

[01:22.45]I tried so hard.

[01:24.03]Inspite of the way you were mocking me,

[01:25.86]Acting like I was part of your property.

[01:27.81]Remebering all the times you fought with me,

[01:30.54]I′m surprised it got so (far).

[01:33.15]Things aren′t the way they were before,

[01:35.09]You wouldn′t even recognize me anymore.

[01:37.35]Not that you knew me back then,

[01:39.35]But it all comes back to me-

[01:40.84]In the end.

[01:42.24]You kept every thing inside,and even though I tried, It all fell apart.

[01:45.70]What it meant to me will eventually, be a memory, of a time when-

[01:49.53]I tried so hard,

[01:51.32]And got so far,

[01:54.18]But in the end,

[01:55.80]It doesn′t even matter.

[01:58.17]I had to fall,

[02:00.35]To lose it all,

[02:03.19]But in the end,

[02:04.]It doesn′t even matter.

[02:09.93]I put my trust in you,

[02:14.46]Pushed as far as I can go.

[02:18.91]For all this,

[02:21.25]There′s only one thing you should know.

[02:27.96]I put my trust in you,

[02:32.57]Pushed as far as I can go.

[02:37.18]For all this,

[02:39.48]There′s only one thing you should know.

[02:46.07]I tried so hard,

[02:48.39]And got so far,

[02:51.38]But in the end,

[02:53.01]It doesn′t even matter.

[02:55.26]I had to fall,

[02:57.39]To lose it all,

[03:00.24]But in the end,

[03:02.18]It doesn′t even matter.


Breaking The Habit

[ti:Breaking The Habit]

[ar:Linkin Park]




[00:19.98]Memories concern

[00:22.58]Like opening the wound

[00:25.08]I\'m picking me apart again

[00:29.24]You all assume

[00:32.14]I\'m safer in my room

[00:34.43]Unless I try to start again

[00:38.62]I don\'t want to be the one

[00:40.58]Who battles always choose

[00:42.80]Cuz inside I realize

[00:45.21]That I\'m the one confused

[00:47.69]I don\'t know what\'s worth fighting for

[00:49.78]Or why I he to scream

[00:52.08]I don\'t know why I instigate

[00:54.78]And say what I don\'t mean

[00:56.80]I don\'t know how I got this way

[00:59.70]I know it\'s not alright

[01:01.49]So I\'m breaking the habit

[01:06.52]I\'m breaking the habit tonight

[01:17.07]Cultured my cure

[01:19.98]I tightly lock the door

[01:22.03]I try to catch my breath again

[01:26.33]I hurt much more

[01:29.49]Than anytime before

[01:31.78]I he no options left again

[01:35.89]I dont want to be the one

[01:37.69]Who battles always choose

[01:40.06]Cuz inside I realize

[01:42.63]That I\'m the one confused

[01:45.04]I don\'t know what\'s worth fighting for

[01:47.31]Or why I he to scream

[01:49.58]I don\'t know why I instigate

[01:52.03]And say what I don\'t mean

[01:54.21]I don\'t know how I got this way

[01:56.62]I\'ll never be alright

[01:58.71]So, I\'m breaking the habit

[02:03.80]I\'m breaking the habit tonight

[02:08.74]I\'ll paint it on the walls

[02:13.45]Cuz I\'m the one that falls

[02:18.13]I\'ll never fight again

[02:23.40]And this is how it ends

[02:28.09]I don\'t know what\'s worth fighting for

[02:30.31]Or why I he to scream

[02:32.51]But now I he some clarity

[02:35.04]to show you what I mean

[02:37.26]I don\'t know how I got this way

[02:39.88]I\'ll never be alright

[02:41.79]So, I\'m breaking the habit

[02:46.91]I\'m breaking the habit

[02:52.33]I\'m breaking the habit tonight


one step closer

[ti:one step closer]

[ar:linkin park]

[al:Hybrid Theory]

[00:19.50]I cannot take this anymore

[00:24.50]Saying everything I've said before

[00:29.50]All these words, they make no sense

[00:31.50]I've found bliss in ignorance

[00:34.50]Less I hear, the less you say

[00:36.50]You'll find that out anyway

[00:39.50]Just like before

[00:43.50]Everything you say to me

[00:45.50]Take's me one step closer to the edge

[00:47.50]And I'm about to break

[00:48.50]I need a little room to pray

[00:50.50]'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[00:52.50]And I'm about to break

[00:53.50]I've found the answers aren't so clear

[00:58.50]Wish I could find a way to disear

[01:03.50]All these thoughts. they make no sense

[01:05.50]I've found bliss in ignorance

[01:08.50]Nothing seems to go away

[01:10.50]Over and over again

[01:13.50]Just like before

[01:17.50]Everything you say to me

[01:19.50]Take's me one step closer to the edge

[01:21.50]And I'm about to break

[01:22.50]I need a little room to pray

[01:24.50]'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[01:26.50]And I'm about to break

[01:27.50]Everything you say to me

[01:29.50]Take's me one step closer to the edge

[01:31.50]And I'm about to break

[01:32.50]I need a little room to pray

[01:34.50]'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[01:36.50]And I'm about to

[01:39.50]BREAK (echo)

[01:47.50]Shut up when I'm talking to you!

[01:49.50]Shut up!

[01:52.50]Shut up!

[01:54.50]Shut up!

[01:57.50]Shut up when I'm talking to you!

[01:59.50]Shut up!

[02:02.50]Shut up!

[02:04.50]Shut up!

[02:07.50]Shut ... UP!

[02:09.50]I'm about to break

[02:10.50]Everything you say to me

[02:12.50]Takes me one step closer to the edge

[02:14.50]And I'm about to break

[02:15.50]I need a little room to pray

[02:17.50]'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[02:19.50]And I'm about to break

[02:20.50]Everything you say to me

[02:22.50]Takes me one step closer to the edge

[02:24.50]And I'm about to break

[02:25.50]I need a little room to pray

[02:27.50]'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[02:29.50]And I'm about to



Somewhere I Belong

[ti:Somewhere I Belong]

[ar:Linkin Park]




[00:41.35]when this began

[00:42.32]i had nothing to say

[00:44.11]and i'd get lost in the nothingness inside of me

[00:46.90]i was confused

[00:47.90]and i let it all out to find that i'm

[00:50.33]not the only person with these things in mind

[00:52.75]inside of me

[00:53.44]but all the vacancy the words revealed

[00:55.80]is the only real thing that i've got left to feel

[00:58.84]nothing to lose

[00:59.69]just stuck hollow and alone

[01:01.86]and the fault is my own

[01:03.00]and the fault is my own

[02:44.63][01:52.48][01:04.80]i want to heal

[02:47.03][01:53.83][01:06.09]i want to feel

[02:48.50][01:55.32][01:07.36]what i thought was never real

[02:51.49][01:58.17][01:10.45]i want to let go of the pain i've held so long

[02:55.56][02:02.56][01:14.87]erase all the pain 'til it's gone

[02:57.72][02:04.15][01:16.63]i want to heal

[02:58.][02:05.44][01:17.78]i want to feel

[03:00.37][02:06.86][01:19.20]like I'm close to something real

[03:03.20][02:10.06][01:22.23]i want to find something i've wanted all along

[03:08.25][02:14.90][01:27.19]somewhere i belong

[01:30.13]and i've got nothing to say

[01:31.37]i can't believe i didn't fall right down on my face

[01:34.34]i was confused

[01:35.35]looking everywhere only to find that it's

[01:37.47]not the way i had imagined it all in my mind

[01:39.91]so what am i

[01:40.86]what do i he but negativity

[01:43.01]'cause i can't justify the

[01:44.93]way everyone is looking at me

[01:46.38]nothing to lose

[01:47.55]nothing to gain hollow and alone

[01:49.30]and the fault is my own

[01:50.69]the fault is my own

[02:17.48]i will never know

[02:19.11]myself until i do this on my own

[02:22.79]and i will never feel

[02:24.98]anything else until my wounds are healed

[02:28.94]i will never be

[02:30.95]anything 'til i break away from me

[02:34.87]and i will break away

[02:36.73]i'll find myself today

[03:16.35][03:10.90]i want to heal

[03:18.09][03:12.28]i want to feel like i'm

[03:26.18][03:19.61][03:13.85]somewhere i belong


What I've Done

[ti:What I've Done]

[ar:Linkin Park]

[al:Minutes To Midnight]


[00:-2.00]Linkin Park - What I've Done


[00:00.00]Lyrics by Kevin Boul @ LK歌词组 Rock分队


[00:41.85]In this farewell

[00:44.36]There's no blood

[00:46.35]There's no alibi

[00:49.34]'Cause I've drawn regret

[00:52.30]From the truth

[00:54.33]Of a thousand lies


[00:57.39]So let mercy come

[01:00.70]And wash away

[01:05.09]What I've done

[01:08.99]I'll face myself

[01:11.44]To cross out what I've become

[01:16.91]Erase myself

[01:19.48]And let go of what I've done


[01:24.79]Put to rest

[01:26.42]What you thought of me

[01:29.24]While I clean this slate

[01:32.39]With the hands of uncertainty


[01:37.31]So let mercy come

[01:40.92]And wash away

[01:45.00]What I've done

[01:48.89]I'll face myself

[01:51.41]To cross out what I've become

[01:56.95]Erase myself

[01:59.43]And let go of what I've done


[02:20.70]For what I've done

[02:24.94]I start again

[02:27.41]And whatever pain may come

[02:32.92]Today this ends

[02:35.37]I'm forgiving what I've done!!!


[02:43.44]I'll face myself

[02:45.37]To cross out what I've become

[02:50.86]Erase myself

[02:53.27]And let go of what I've done


[03:03.42]What I've done

[03:09.64]Forgiving what I've done


[03:17.80]Lrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group


New Divide

[ti:New Divide]

[ar:Linkin Park]

[al:New Divide EP]



[00:01.00]Linkin Park - New Divide


[00:12.00]LRC by bayan & Tony Chang @ LK歌词组


[00:34.90]I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me

[00:43.01]I remembered each flash as time began to blur

[00:50.86]Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me

[00:58.99]And your voice was all I heard

[01:03.10]That I get what I deserve


[01:06.80]So give me reason to prove me wrong to wash this memory clean

[01:14.87]Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

[01:23.02]Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between

[01:31.09]Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

[01:38.28]Across this new divide


[01:48.03]There was nothing in sight, the memories left abandoned

[01:56.25]There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow

[02:04.31]And the ground ced in between where we were standing

[02:12.32]And your voice was all I heard

[02:16.34]That I get what I deserve


[02:19.94]So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean

[02:28.00]Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

[02:35.08]Across this new divide



[02:52.30]In every loss in every lie

[02:56.52]In every truth that you'd deny

[03:00.60]And each regret and each goodbye

[03:04.61]Was a mistake too great to hide

[03:09.05]And your voice was all I heard

[03:13.15]That I get what I deserve


[03:16.87]So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean

[03:25.09]Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

[03:33.13]Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between

[03:41.27]Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

[03:48.33]Across this new divide


[03:56.46]Across this new divide


[04:04.71]Across this new divide


[04:12.43]LRC by Tony & bayan from LK Lyrics Group

Mike Shinoda 主唱之一

全名:Mike Kenji Shinoda


Linkin Park 林肯公园 乐队的主唱之一

Linkin Park的****


出生地:Agoura, California(与弟弟Jason一起在Agoura Hill市郊长大)







Linkin Park成军前

麦克·信田出生于17.2.11美国加州的Agoura地区。他从中学时期开始有了玩音乐的愿望,也是那个时候,他开始学习各种乐器,例如钢琴。先后在Parkman小学和Lindero Canyon初中读书。之后,他开始上钢琴课,学习古典音乐,接下来对Jazz,Hip-Hop产生兴趣。这一时期,他也学会吉他,最后,说唱的加入让他的音乐技能完整了。

初中之后,好友Brad Delson不断鼓励他挖掘他在说唱方面的兴趣。他们一起在Mike家的地下室的临时录音棚写歌。Shinoda和Brad Delson一起进入了Agoura高中,这所高中也是Hoobastank成员的母校。高中快结束的时候,鼓手Rob Bourdon也成为了他们的一员。这三人组成了Xero乐队,然后开始正式向他们的音乐梦想迈进。

高中毕业,Shinoda进入加洲设计艺术学院学习图示设计和插画。正是在这里认识身为DJ和turntablist的Joseph Hahn,Hahn和Delson的大学室友Phoenix一起成为Xero的团员。Shinoda大学毕业,插画设计的文凭保证了他毕业后插图设计师的工作。凭借插图师的背景,他与Hahn一起承担了Linkin Park第一张专辑的所有设计工作,后来也为Styles Of Beyond设计了他们第一张专辑2000 Fold的封面。就在Minutes To Midnight发行前,Shinoda的第一场美术展在洛杉矶1988美术馆举行。

Linkin Park

Chester Benningtong在1999年加入了Shinoda的乐队(当时的名称为Hybrid Theory),取代了退出乐队的原主唱Mark Wakefield。从一开始,Shinoda就亲身参与乐队录音的每个环节,而后来,他的角色持续增大。他们的第一首歌是“Crawlling”,Shinoda与吉他手Brad Delson,策划和制作了乐队的首张EP,Hybrid Theory,两人也在第一张专辑的制作中扮演了相似的角色。Mike组织并监制了乐队的混音专辑Reanimation(2002),加入了他在自家的录音棚里制作的“Crawlling”“Pushing Me Away”的混音版。在业余时间里,他还演唱和制作了X-Ecutioners的名为“It's Going Down"的歌曲。

在Linkin Park的第二张录音室大碟Meteora(2003)中,Shinoda继续加深着自己作为一位音乐人和制作人的职责。另外,在这张专辑的美术设计的部分由他与涂鸦艺术家DELTA,插花家Frank Maddocks,队友Joe Hahn共同完成。

2004年,Linkin Park与Jay-Z的“混合”专辑Collision Course发行。他制作并混音整张专辑,这张专辑在第二年的格莱美大奖中获得了“最佳说/唱合作”奖。

乐队在2007年5月15日发行了最新专辑Minutes To Minute Night。Shinoda与制作人Rick Rubin一起制作了这张专辑。这张专辑里,一向以说唱见长的Mike首次开声唱歌,他演唱了“In Between"和B-SIDE的歌曲“No Roads Left",另外,在“Little Things Give You Away"和“Hands Held High"的最后部分,也被Mike抒情演绎。尽管Mike的唱法比较罕见,Hit Parader仍然将他列为史上最杰出的100名金属风格乐队主唱的第72位。











曾用Heather Graham 这个名字和谢恩·斯坦利上过同一所高中。





他是Nine Inch Nails的歌迷。

和Brad Delson是哥们。布莱德是Linkin Park的另一位创始成员。

创办了Fort Minor —— 只是他和朋友们一起在业余时间玩的Hip Hop组合。发行专辑《The Rising Tied》,在Hip-Hop界获得好评.

安娜现在成了他的妻子。她是一位儿童书籍作家。她每天都会从孩子身上找到灵感。也会帮助麦克一起巡演,帮帮他。她也有自己的网页:annashinoda 来展示自己的写作才华。

他们于2003年5月10日结婚.据Mike本人说,收录于The Rising Tied中的歌曲Where'd You Go正是为妻子Anna所写。



《We Major(MIXTAPE)》(Fort Minor & DJ Green Lantern )



01 - Green Lantern Intro

02 - 100 Degrees

03 - Dolla feat. Styles of Beyond

04 - Bloc Party feat. Apathy and Tak (of S.O.B.)

05 - S.C.O.M. feat. Ryu (of S.O.B.), Juelz Santana and Celph Titled

06 - Remember the Name (Funkadelic remix) feat. Styles of Beyond

07 - Bleach (Jimi remix)

08 - Spraypaint & Ink Pens feat. Ghostface and Lupe Fiasco

09 - Petrified (Doors remix)

10 - Get It

11 - Be Somebody feat. Lupe Fiasco and Holly Brook

12 - Respect 4 Grandma feat. S.O.B. and Celph Titled

13 - There They Go (Green Lantern remix) feat. Sixx John

14 - All Night feat. Apathy, Tak (of S.O.B.) and Celph Titled

15 - Nobody's Listening (Green Lantern remix)

16 - Cover and Duck feat. Styles of Beyond

Bonus Tracks :

17 - Remember the Name [album version] feat. Styles of Beyond

18 - Petrified [album version]

19 - Outro

《Fort Minor Sampler》



01.Petrified (Los Angeles Remix)

02.The Hard Way

03.Get It


05.Be Somebody

06.There They Go (feat. Sixx John)

《DJ Vlad and Roc Raida (Hosted by Mike Shinoda)》



01. Intro

02. Lil Jon Vs. Ozzy Osbourne

03. Eminem Vs. Rage Against The Machine

04. Ice Cube Vs.Tool

05. Mike Shinoda Interlude

06. Ludacris Vs. AC/DC

07. M.O.P. Vs. Jimi Hendrix

08. Notorious B.I.G. Vs. Led Zeppelin

09. Eminem Vs. Disturbed

10. Mike Shinoda Interlude

11. DMX Vs. Nirvana

12. 2Pac Vs. Survivor

13. Jay-Z Vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers

14. Mike Shinoda Interlude

15. Eminem Vs. M.O.P. Vs Queen (prod. Green Lantern)

16. 2Pac Vs. Talib Kweli Vs. Rush

17. 8Ball and MJG Vs. Slayer

18. Jay-Z Vs. Marilyn Manson

19. Linkin Park Vs. Did Banner

20. Eminem Vs. The Eagles

21. 2Pac Vs. John Lennon

22. 50 Cent Vs. The Verve

23. 2Pac Vs. Lynard Skynyrd

24. Korn Vs. Dr. Dre

25. Jimi Hendrix Vs. Eminem

《The Rising Tied》



01. Introduction

02. Remember The Name (Ft. Styles of Beyond)

03. Right Now (Ft. Black Thought of The Roots and Styles of Beyond)

04. Petrified

05. Feel Like Home (Ft. Styles of Beyond)

06. Where'd You Go (Ft. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga)

07. In Stereo

08. Back Home (Ft. Common and Styles of Beyond)

09. Cigarettes

10. Believe Me (Ft. Bobo and Styles of Beyond)

11. Get Me Gone

12. High Road (Ft. John Legend)

13. Kenji

14. Red to Black (Ft. Kenna, Jonah Matranga and Styles of Beyond)

15. The Battle (Ft. Celph Titled)

16. Slip Out The Back (Ft. Mr. Hahn)


《Believe Me》

发行时间: 2005年12月17日


01.Believe Me

02.There They Go

03.Petrified (Los Angeles Remix)

《Where'd You Go》

发行时间: 2006年03月27日


01.Where'd You Go (Single Version)

02.Where'd You Go (Big Bad Remix)

03.Where'd You Go (S.O.B Version)

《Remember The Name》

发行时间: 2005年12月


01.Remember The Name (album version)

02.Remember The Name (instrumental)

03.Remember The Name (radio version)


发行时间: 2005年12月

01.Petrified (radio version)

02.Petrified (instrumental)

03.Petrified (album version)

04.Petrified (LA Remix)


The Rising Tied 是一张直截了当的Hip Hop唱片,于是乎我们也见到Mike邀集多位Hip Hop好手跨刀助阵。多年好友兼自家厂牌旗下单位Styles Of Beyond无疑是整个Fort Minor中不可或缺的一股力量,多首作品中都可见到他们的演出声影;其中"Remember The Name"在大量弦乐铺陈下酝酿著山雨欲来的慑人张力,与The Roots成员Black Thought联袂献声、透过钢琴剪影营造幽悒氛围的"Right Now"灵感来自于导演劳勃阿特曼**「Short Cuts」(银色性男女),与Common一同演出、描述洛杉矶生活点滴的"Back Home"流露低回Moody的骚灵气息,而与Alt-Funk艺人Kenna以及加州Alternative Metal乐团Far主唱Jonah Matranga携手合作、隐约蛰伏Funk-Metal破坏力的"Red To Black"则堪称专辑中最为摇滚的一曲。此外,唱作俱佳的Neo-Soul才子John Legend为"High Road"献声并伴奏钢琴,LP战友DJ Joe Hahn与Mike则再度并肩谱出"Slip Out The Back"这首悲怆深沉之作。

"Where’d You Go?"肯定是专辑中最为动人的慢板乐章,自家厂牌Machine Shop女歌手Holly Brook惹人心疼的天使嗓音与加州Alternative Metal乐团Far主唱Jonah Matranga的Rin的演绎,在苦涩感伤的Hip Hop Ballad曲式中展现丝丝入扣的细腻感。不可忽略的还有"Kenji"这首试图捕捉到早期Public Enemy精神、弥漫著纠结不安情绪的作品,本身是日俄混血的Mike在歌曲中透过回忆录体裁,纪录着第二次大战期间,美国拘留所里日本公民被囚禁的故事。在《The Rising Tied》的特殊版本中,即一种引进版收录了没有收录在《The Rising Tied》

中的《there they go》《be somebody》《the hard way》.

Mike style of beyond还同DJ Green Lantern 带来了新作《Magic Doors》作为DJ Green Lantern最新混音专辑中的第一首歌曲.


DC REMIX除了音乐以外,Mike Shinoda在2008年还为DCSHOE设计了个人的鞋子:DC REMIX这款鞋包含了许许多多Mike的元素在里面,有Mike的art以及日文的出现

